HeartSong Quilts
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Spirit People 2 by M&S Textiles
By Denise Doolan
According to Aboriginal mythology, before creation time there was nothing in the universe. No light, no human beings or animals, no trees or any vegetation. The soil was soft. One day, Aboriginal forefathers sprung up from underneath the soil. They decided to create necessary things for future generations. Soon they started creating roads, gardens, trees, etc. They gradually built most of the necessary things for the future generations. Two rainbow snakes guarded their creations when the Spirit People got tired in the evening.
Spirit people gather together and take rest in the evening. They discuss their works, drink, eat, and dance. They make rules for the future generations to maintain social harmony. The understanding of aboriginal spirituality is fundamental to maintain social order, respect for elders and maintain peace in the community.
Denise Doolan is a meticulous designer. She has depicted the Spirit People uniquely. They are dancing and meeting others excellently. She created the meeting place by drawing the walking paths with men and women walking in a peaceful gathering. Denise also designed the new release Women Collecting Bush Food also produced by M&S Textiles. Click here to buy now.
Posted by Heartsong Quilts Admin
Friday, December 27, 2019 2:10:00 PM